Friday, July 11, 2008

under the same moon

i championed this film when i saw it in the theater earlier this year. when i say it's emotional, it's emo-shun-ull!!

i cried at the trailer alone and i'm usually not a fan of the tears. I guess here recently i've been a bit more prone to the soft touch of emotion.

it's the story of a boy who lives in mexico with his grandmother. his mother is in los angeles illegally trying to work and of course provide a better life for her son. his grandmother dies...he's determined to find his mother....and the obstacles...and the love... and the acting...and the beautiful setting. overall i loved it and i give it 5 out of 5 stars. it makes you feel so much closer to your mom and it makes you realize that we should be willing to move mountains and cross oceans for our mothers.

here's to you mom!

go cop it @ your local media outlet. it's worth the purchase.


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